Channels TV yaşamaq

Televiziya kanalı:Channels TV

Yan: Nigeriya

Kateqoriya: Xəbərlər

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Channels TV canlı izlə

Channels Television is a Nigerian independent 24-hour news and media television channel based in Lagos, Nigeria. The parent company, Channels Incorporated, was founded in 1992, a year before the Nigerian government deregulated the broadcast media. It began broadcasting in 1995. Its primary focus is producing news and current affairs programs on Nigerian domestic issues. The Channel's mission is to act as a watchdog on governmental policies and activities.


  • Ogun State Television also known by its acronym OGTV is a Nigerian satellite television station owned by the Ogun State Government. It was established on December 25, 1981 as a

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  • Anambra Broadcasting Service (ABS) is a public service broadcasting organisation owned by Anambra state government of Nigeria. It’s 2 FM and 2 TV stations cover Anambra state and

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  • Core TV News is a 24-hour news station professionally disseminating hourly in-depth and unbiased news reportage to the Nigerian populace and beyond.

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