RTV 7 Tuzla yaşamaq

Televiziya kanalı:RTV 7 Tuzla

Yan: Bosniya və Herseqovina

Kateqoriya: Yerli

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RTV 7 Tuzla canlı izlə

RTV 7 Tuzla is a local Bosnian public cable television channel based in city of Tuzla. It was established in 2012.

RTV 7 broadcasts a variety of programs such as local news, local sports, mosaic and documentaries. The programming is mainly produced in the Bosnian language.

Radio 7 is also part of public municipality services.


  • Radio-televizija Tuzlanskog kantona osnovana je 20. februara 1993. godine. Sa sredstvima skromno, a namjerom ambiciozno. Vremenom je skromnost postala jakost, a ambicioznost

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